Monday 6 January 2014

Pineapple, the Semak Vitamizer Way 2

Over 400 tested recipes for your Semak Vitamizer, Australia 1948

“The Semak Vitamiser has proved itself so efficient in extremely fine, even blending of meat and vegetables and other combinations, that many doctors make no distinction between a blended and pureed food.”
Nourishing Appetizers – Place all ingredients in Vitamiser in the order indicated, switch on & run for approximately 1 to 2 minutes.
Cabbage-Pineapple – 1 cup pineapple juice; 2 cups shredded green cabbage; 3 dstspns lemon juice; 1 cup chipped ice.

Cucumber-Pineapple - 1 cup pineapple juice; 1 ½ dstspns lemon juice; 2 sprigs parsley; 1 cup unpeeled, diced cucumber; 1 cup chipped ice.                                                                                                                                          

Pineapple-Parsley -1 cup pineapple juice; 1 cup tightly packed parsley; 2 dstspns lemon juice; 1 cup chipped ice.                                                                                                                                                                                        

Pineapple-Watercress -1 ½ cups pineapple juice; ½ bunch watercress, chopped; 2 dstspns lemon juice; 1 cup chipped ice. 

Pineapple-Spinach -1 cup pineapple juice; ½ cup tightly packed spinach leaves; 3 dstspns lemon juice; 1 cup chipped ice.   


  1. The 'chipped ice' is interesting - now I'd just chuck the ice in the blender; presumably the vitamizer wasn't strong enough for that. Cucumber-pineapple sounds just OK - I'll pass on the rest. ;-)

  2. (Or, now I've thought about it - the ice was being delivered to the house in big blocks, I suppose.)
