Thursday 14 June 2018

Spotting pineapples on Oahu, day 1

Day one in Honolulu was pretty laid back, after a delicious breakfast of maple syrup pancakes with a smidgen of pineapple I thought I may spot a few pineapple products as we wandered the streets - my goodness, pineapples rule on Oahu!! Anne

Pineapples, Passion Fruit and Poi: Recipes from Hawaii by Mary Lou Gebhard & William H. Butler, Illustrations by Hide Doki, 1967

This book is a very entertaining read! Anne
“Beverages, bolsters, eye-openers, pupus.
This chapter comes first because you serve these items first – before dinner (or before breakfast the following day).
Another reason: To the uninitiated, a few of the “highly unusual” recipes in the following chapters are so unusual that the cook may require a bolster or two to attempt them.
After three bolsters, if you’re still squeamish, have another – then you’ll slam this book shut, pound your chest and say, Food! BAH! WHO WANTS FOOD?"

Beachboy Screwdriver
1 jigger vodka; pineapple juice
Pour vodka over ice cubes in highball
Pour vodka over ice cubes in highball glass; fill with pineapple juice. Decorate with a maraschino cherry and a tidbit of mint-flavoured pineapple on fancy toothpick.

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