Tuesday 28 August 2012

A salad or a dessert?

Don’t forget, as Ruby said in the Golden Circle Tropical Recipe Book:                                                                                                       

“Imagine how long the list would be if you wrote down all the flavours you can recognise. And each of these is a bright, new theme for eating enjoyment . . . a way to make your meal-time the scene of unending surprise and variety . . . to make meals the happiest experiences your family shares. On this stage, you are the star – and pineapple a versatile winner of family applause, for every course from the before breakfast fruit drink to the gala dessert.”
The orange jelly and cottage cheese combo in this recipe was certainly a surprise for this family! Anne.

Pineapple Double Decker.
825g can Golden Circle Sliced Pineapple, 2 pkts orange-flavour jelly crystals, 250g cottage cheese, cherries and lettuce leaves.
Drain syrup from pineapple slices. Measure syrup into saucepan and add boiling water to make up to 3 cups liquid. Bring to boiling point and add jelly crystals. Remove from stove, stir to dissolve. Divide into 2 equal parts. Cool. Add one half jelly to cottage cheese, stir to blend. Turn into 22 cm square cake pan. Chill until firm. Arrange drained pineapple slices on cheese layer, with cherry in centre of each. Carefully pour remaining cooled jelly over pineapple slices and chill again. Cut in squares and serve on lettuce leaves.

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